Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Crazy Fun Filled Weekend

Thursday culminated in a joyful evening as our dear friends JoHanna (aka Auntie Mermaid) and Will celebrated their wedding. The boys happily explored the the Cultural Center which was in an old church. Stair running was a favorite and the balcony was the goal. Good exercise, to say the least. The celebration was so very touching and we were honored to be apart of it. I wish I had photos of it, however, chasing after boys does not create an opportunity for it. Matty told Andy "Auntie Mermaid is a princess". She truly was and is.
Friday was 4th of July Concert and Fireworks. Newton had the best rythm and blues band that night. We all danced the evening away and enjoyed the playground near by. Aunt Annie and Uncle Lenny were constant playmates to their adoring nephews. Our friends Kieran and Kelly also made a surprise visit to our blanket. The fireworks were outstanding, however, Matty had a hard time with the noise level. Poor little man, I blocked his ears as the booms occured. He'll be four in August and previously never was frightened by them.
Yesterday we had friends over for a BBQ and they brought their doggie with them. Oh my word, both boys were so happy and excited to play with Mack. We are waiting till they are a bit older to get them a doggie, but I am sure it will be hard to wait. Neither Joey or Matty wanted to go to bed as Mack was still downstairs. It was a long evening.
Today was a trip to the playground and out for ice cream and seeing cows, goats, sheep, pigs and rabbits. Joey and Matty also made friends with all the doggies who were out for the day. This evening we are going to a Lowell Spinners game. Matty has been singing "Take me out to the ballgame all morning". Joey enjoys flirting with everyone as only he can do. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post later.

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